Blog Assignment

Week 3 :

Write a Bucket List !! (optional)

A bucket list is a list of goals, experiences or things you want to try/do before you die. The idea comes from the expression "kick the bucket" which means to die.

Create your own bucket list - leaders have goals for their life which help them to achieve their dreams. Think like a leader and create your own plan for the future. Refer to your book - page 24  and start making a list of 10 things and write a paragraph about each one to post on your blog. Add an introduction and conclusion.

Hope you had fun writing blogs at GLPS :)

Photo Essay

A photo essay tells a story using pictures
A famous saying is that "A picture is worth a thousand words"

We will not be writing that many words but we will be writing a paragraph about each picture.

Cesar Kuriyama has been doing a similar project called "One Second Every Day" project. You can watch it here:

So let's get started with our version of Cesar Kuriyama's idea. 
Before you begin, think about these things:

Choose a topic
Pictures 5-7

In your photo essay please include an introduction and conclusion!

Take out your cameras and start capturing shots to share with us! Have Fun!!!!

Week 2:

Movie Review - Frozen

Last Friday we watched the movie " “Frozen"!

Now it is the time to write a review about the movie.
In your review, you need to include the following:


You can watch the trailer below:

Now let's write a review:
The movie review should include an introduction where you should introduce the movie, the genre, when it was made, the author of the book and film director and a brief introduction to the movie.

In the body of the review, explain the plot, characters and setting in one or 2 paragraphs.  In another paragraph explain your opinion and answer these questions:

1. What lessons can you learn from this movie?
2. What qualities of leadership can you learn from the characters in "Frozen"?


The animators used the landscape of Norway and the feel of the winter season of Wyoming for inspiration

Finally, write a conclusion summarizing what you wrote in your review. 
The movie review needs to be a minimum of 350 words.

Week 1: 

Self - Introduction 

Write three things about yourself that you would like to share.
Let's call these "Three Things I know to be True"

These are 3 three things about me:

1. Barrier Reef
2. Two
3. Janos

Can you guess what these things mean to me?

Now write your own "Three things you know to be True"

Post this on your blog and add pictures of yourself and/or your interests.

Speech Writing

All students will write a speech and perform it in front of the class. Two students will be chosen to compete in the Speech Contest during the last week of camp. For week 1, choose your topic and start brainstorming about your speech. 

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